Persons of Latin American Descent( LAD) are projected to become the largest group affected by glaucoma in the U.S. by 2050. Despite this, few studies have targeted the LAD population. Persons of LAD are not a homogenous group, yet valuable information is missing that could help diagnose and treat this patient population. Specific risk factors involving the structural, vascular and related medical conditions affecting the LAD population are important areas of research focus.
The one-size-fits-all approach to health care is outdated. Today’s doctor must recognize each patient as an individual and identify his or her particular risk factors. In our multicultural society we must be very aware of potential differences in glaucoma diagnosis and management for various groups. While the information may be clinically relevant, particular care and sensitivity must be exercised when asking about a patient’s background.
As we wait for more literature to help tailor our use of modern testing to each population (such as OCT normative data and progression patterns, corneal hysteresis and blood flow analysis) we should educate patients on known risk factors and strive towards an individualized approach to health care.