Several studies have identified a potential link between high cholesterol and increased glaucoma risk. There has also been mounting evidence to suggest that statin use is protective against POAG progression. Statins have been associated with a reduction in IOP and may also shield ganglion cells from the harmful effects of the disease. However, there is no consensus on this issue, as some dissenting research has claimed that statins increase glaucoma risk. The jury is still out.
When anxious glaucoma patients ask me what they should do (other than the prescribed treatment) to avoid progression, I always advocate a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating right, stress reduction and exercising. Up until recently there was very little scientific evidence to support this.
The finding that statins could offer a form of IOP control and potential neuroprotection is a great cause for hope. This would not only highlight the intersection of healthy living and glaucoma prevention but might also open a new pharmacological front in the fight against POAG. While this particular study was limited by likely self-reporting errors and homogenous subjects, it offers a potential pathway to progress in glaucoma care.