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Glaucoma progression does not just affect the eyes but represents a weakening of one of the pillars

One of the most important concepts to keep in mind as a health care professional is the interconnectivity of various aspects of wellness. Glaucoma progression does not just affect the eyes but represents a weakening of one of the pillars of health. As one falls, others can come tumbling down like dominos with devastating consequences for the patient. A decrease in visual function can limit mobility, lead to morbidity and increase mortality risk.

Jian-Yu and colleagues confirm that VF (visual field

) damage is associated with lower physical activity in glaucoma patients. Worse VF damage was associated with more fragmented daily activity (active moments were shorter), resulting in lower accumulation of exercise.

This study highlights the opportunity for multispecialty optometry clinics where vision rehabilitation experts can work in concert with a glaucoma management team. Additionally, while the results are not conclusive, it is reasonable to suggest that the more we mitigate visual field damage the more we can improve overall health and increase longevity. Successful glaucoma treatment likely does more than prevent blindness, it also improves our patient’s quality of life.

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